Sunday, 28 April 2013


                                     "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Hunter: Quarter time at his first footy match!
Savannah: My little poser! She wanted to carry her baby.

Linking up with Che and Fidel

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

List 15 - Currently I am

ReadingThe Cull by Eric J. Gates -the name isn't that catchy but the book is good so far! I just finished Before I Fall as recommend by Deb

Listening to: Lots of Mika at the moment - I was going through old CDs and found his and it has been great for running.

Laughing at: Still the kids - these guys are crazy!!

Swooning over: Still not really a swooner!

Planning: How to juggle work and all the kids activities. Hunter has swimming, soccer and footy (AFL - which includes Friday night training and Sunday morning games) and Savannah has swimming and ballet! And a holiday to Bellbrae in October!

Eating lots of: Food! Nothing in particular

Feeling: Tired and a bit overwhelmed. I feel like I need a holiday but nothing planned until October.

Discovering: I can run home from work and not collapse. Monday night has turned into run home from work night - 11.2km. I've done it 3 times now and survived!

Looking at: Screens - laptop, work PC, TV, iphone, kindle

Wearing: Gym clothes as I've been to the gym tonight!

Cooking: Tonight I made butter and yoghurt. Generally lasagne - it seems to be our Friday night regular now after Hunter's footy training. It's Hunter and my favourite - yum!

Wondering: How Savannah will go in kindy - she starts 29th April - a week from today and the day of the link-up. She is kind of looking forward to it but will terribly miss her childcare friends so I think a bit worried also.

Trying out: A new exercise routine - Monday running, Tuesday gym (fat burner or pump), Thursday gym (pump), Saturday or Sunday gym (depending on hubby's work). I've signed up for True Grit - a military style obstacle course which is in about 3 weeks now - eekk...

Linking up with Deb at Listmania.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

List 14 - music

This weeks listmania topic is music – wide open for you – favourite songs, albums, artists,video clips,  stories about your own music playing, concerts – anything goes.

I've always enjoyed music - but have never really been one to have favourite bands. I tend to listen to whatever the major radio stations are playing - so basically what's popular at the moment. I don't tend to purchase CDs/itunes music as I prefer a mix of artists rather than music from just 1 person. But I remember my first CD purchase - Toni Pearen - In your room in 1992. I wrote about this in a previous list!  And I've just remembered I went through a Tiffany stage. My Grandpa made a tape for me! It was awesome!!

As a kid I played the saxophone and piano. I was in concert band for the sax right through high school. The problem with the sax was it was great in the band, but practising on my own sounded a bit boring! I've still got my alto sax somewhere (at my parents I think).  The piano I stopped earlier - but did do some exams! But boy those scales were BORING!

I was going through old CDs the other day trying to find something to load into my iTunes account. I found love Mika! I've loaded it up to my phone and quite often run to Mika! I also found Dido - Dido was my music of choice to listen to whilst studying in year 12. Nice relaxing, thinking music!

I'm really loving Hey Ho from the Lumineers at the moment and anything Bruno Mars!

And thinking about music got me thinking about the music concert's I've been to. Those that I can remember are:
  • Backstreet Boys
  • Bryan Adams
  • Shannon Noll
  • Michael Buble
  • Jimmy Barnes
  • Robbie Williams
  • Some concert that had a few bands from the 80s but I can't remember the name
  • Taylor Swift

Do you have any favourite music?

Linking up with Deb at Listmania.



      "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Hunter: Face painting at Stracto - Hunter asked to be a vampire! Ohh scary, but that little grin takes the fear factor away a little!
Savannah: Face painting at Stracto - Savannah asked to be a princess! She loves all things princess and fairy!

Linking up with Che and Fidel

Monday, 15 April 2013

List 13 - Once-in-a-lifetime dinner party

Living or dead what (assuming famous) people would you like to invite to a once-in-a-lifetime dinner party (and why)?

Hmm this one was tricky...I thought and thought and thought. And came up with Heath Ledger (obviously). I've written about Heath before - but for some reason I can't let go. It's the 10 Things I Hate About You Heath. Heath would be coming to my party for me to swoon - I probably wouldn't be able to talk to him - but giggle and hide! 

But I guess it isn't really a dinner party if it's just Heath and I guess I better invite a few more! So next up is Commando from the Biggest Loser (with or without his shirt). He can give me a personal training session prior to the dinner - then we can chat healthy, clean living during dinner.

Next I'm inviting my childhood favourite author - Ann M. Martin - she wrote the Baby Sitters Club books and kept me entertained for years! I would love to chat all things books with her.

And whilst we are inviting authors - lets include Bryce Courtney. 

I want to invite Mika too - because his music makes me happy, and keeps me running!! He can sing a song for us!

That's it for my little dinner party - intimate gathering for 6 (including me).  Who would you invite?

Linking up with Deb at Listmania.

Friday, 12 April 2013


                                         "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Hunter: Sports day, sack race and egg and spoon race
Savannah: Ballet again - parent watching week. I enjoyed a sneak peak into her lesson!

Linking up with Che and Fidel

Sunday, 7 April 2013

List 12 - Childhood favourites

Join me in a little trip down memory lane!

TV Shows: I loved TV!! My Dad gave us a rule - Neighbours or Home and Away - we choose Home and Away. Some of my other favourites were Full House, Beverly Hills 90210, Dawson's Creek, Punky Brewster and Alf (who didn't love that little fury alien)

Books: The Baby Sitters Club series by Ann M. Martin. How I loved the Baby sitters club - I had all the books including the super specials (I still have them now). And when the movie came out (not that long ago) I just had to drag myself along to see it!
I also loved The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton and really enjoyed reliving this one with my son recently.

Food: Lasagna and golden syrup dumplings! Actually I still love these. Mum made me lasagna for dinner the night before my wedding - and it's a regular in our household now as it's one of my son's favourites. And Mum made us golden syrup dumplings for dessert for Easter Sunday!

Movies: Pippy Longstockings and Fatty Fin

Clothes: My RaRa skirt - I felt so cool in my RaRa skirt. My sister and I each had a similar one but of a different colour

                                                                      Image source

Toys: Barbie! I loved playing with Barbies (even when I was older than a girl should be to play with Barbies). There was just something about that imaginary world.

Dolls: I dreamt of getting a Cabbage Patch kid - the year I got one for Christmas I was the happiest girl alive. Her name was Sylvia Esmeralda. I still have her now although Savannah isn't that fond of her (she prefers her 'modern' dolls).

Cartoons: I loved the Smurfs (who didn't??) but also the Snorks. The Snorks were like the Smurfs but underwater! I remember spending hours trying to draw them (I wasn't a very good artist).

                                                                         Image source

Sport: I grew up in the country where sport was a big thing - it's what you did. I wasn't very good but I had a go.I did netball, tennis, golf  and swimming.

Songs: I remember singing I want that Man by Deborah Harry. Part of the lyrics go: here comes the 21st century, it's going to be much better for a girl like me.....I remember asking my parents if I would still be alive in the 21st century - I hope so was my Dads answer. It seemed like so long in the future to me!

But my all time favourite was Toni Pearen -In Your Room. See you tube clip below! It was the first CD I bought and I spent many a hours in my room listening, singing and dancing to Toni!


What are some of your childhood favourites?

Linking up with Deb at Listmania.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


                                     "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Hunter: Easter Egg hunting
Savannah: Jumping in leaves after her ballet lesson.

Linking up with Che and Fidel