Monday, 15 April 2013

List 13 - Once-in-a-lifetime dinner party

Living or dead what (assuming famous) people would you like to invite to a once-in-a-lifetime dinner party (and why)?

Hmm this one was tricky...I thought and thought and thought. And came up with Heath Ledger (obviously). I've written about Heath before - but for some reason I can't let go. It's the 10 Things I Hate About You Heath. Heath would be coming to my party for me to swoon - I probably wouldn't be able to talk to him - but giggle and hide! 

But I guess it isn't really a dinner party if it's just Heath and I guess I better invite a few more! So next up is Commando from the Biggest Loser (with or without his shirt). He can give me a personal training session prior to the dinner - then we can chat healthy, clean living during dinner.

Next I'm inviting my childhood favourite author - Ann M. Martin - she wrote the Baby Sitters Club books and kept me entertained for years! I would love to chat all things books with her.

And whilst we are inviting authors - lets include Bryce Courtney. 

I want to invite Mika too - because his music makes me happy, and keeps me running!! He can sing a song for us!

That's it for my little dinner party - intimate gathering for 6 (including me).  Who would you invite?

Linking up with Deb at Listmania.


  1. i love how so many of us have inoluded shirtless men ; ) awesome. your list is quite diverse

    1. Yeah the shirtless men are a good low calorie treat!

  2. I loved 10 Things I Hate About you, great movie. I think Bryce Courtney would be really interesting to chat with too.

    1. Yep I love Bryce's books - it was so sad when he passed away. I was especially interested in talking to him about April Fool's Day - the book about his son.
