Saturday, 26 January 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Hunter: Swimming lesson -attempting torpedo

Savannah: Swimming lesson - practising kicking

Linking up with Che and Fidel

Thursday, 24 January 2013

List 2: Summer

What I'm loving about Summer

    Daylight savings - long days - can spend more time outside -the sun is just setting in the photo above just before 9pm.
     Going to the beach for sand and water fun!
    School holidays - which means some work holidays for me. Getting to do fun things with the kids.
    The warmth - can wear funky dresses rather than jeans and coats, can play outdoors
     Strawberries and ice-cream

    What I could live without

    • Daylight savings - so hard to get the kids to bed at a sensible time as it's still so light out!
    • Hot rides to work on trains without air conditioning
    • Days over 40 degrees - to hot too do anything
    • Humidity - so sticky - feel like you need to shower multiple times per day
    • Flies and mosquito's

    Linking up with Deb at Listmania.

    Sunday, 20 January 2013


    "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

    Hunter: Aviation Museum - having a go at the old style pilot training machine. Very tricky. See the concentration.

    Savannah: Aviation Museum- on her way down from seeing a plane. She is in her ballet dress-up as she had been to a ballet holiday class earlier in the day.

    Linking up with Che and Fidel

    Wednesday, 16 January 2013


    "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

    Hunter: Animal Barn and the Drive-Ins. He doesn't normally like to get up close and personal with the animals - so this is a special photo.

    Savannah: In the queue for face-painting at the Drive-Ins.

    Linking up with Che and Fidel


    I saw the idea on Mandy's blog A little space like and quickly tracked it back to Che and Fidel and decided I'm in. The idea is to take a photo of each child every week for the year. I'm a little slow off the mark so have gone through my photos taken early January to catch up. 

                                                        "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

    Hunter: 10 pin bowling at Tanunda. Didn't want his photo taken. He was excited to be beating Mum and Dad and coming second only to Uncle Ian.

    Savannah: Mini golf at same place at Tanunda. Portrait of concentration!

    Linking up with Che and Fidel

    List 1: Currently I am

    Reading: The Beggar King (A Hangman Daughter’s novel). 
    Listening to: Really enjoying Ho Hey by The Lumineers.
    Laughing at: The kids and the funny things they do.
    Swooning over: Not really swooning.
    Planning: To start this new blog as a casual thing, which I would like to link up with Deb’s weekly  Listmania and also the  Project 52 , a portrait a week for 2013 – but not so sure if I can keep up.
    Eating lots of: Home-made chocolate and bliss balls!
    Feeling: Excited at the possibility of what the year will bring – but a little overwhelmed at how we will manage to fit in kindy drop-off and pick ups along with getting to work on time.
    Discovering: The bus routes to my house and along the way finding the longest way to get home (my train line is out of action until September so my 20 minute express train has turned into 45minutes-1 hour trip home. Last night left work at 5pm got home at 6.15pm – would have missed picking my son up by 6pm closing time at OSHC if he were there yesterday).
    Looking at: My computer screen – work in front of a computer, spend time at home in front of a computer (FB/blogs etc).
    Wearing: Loving dresses at the moment- quite new for this pants/shorts and top girl!
    Wondering: How the year will unfold with Savannah in kindy.
    Trying out: New phones - off to the store to check out both the iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy III - after weeks of undecisiveness I think iPhone wins (Samsung too big).
    Linking up with Deb at Listmania.